AIA Future Builder

A savings plan for a confident tomorrow

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AIA Future Builder

A life protection and investment plan that invests your money in global funds so you can grow your savings as you prepare for retirement

This plan comes with an AIA Vitality membership

Issue age

0 to 60 years old

Coverage period

Until 100 years old


Policy benefits

Optional riders

Customize your plan’s coverage with these supplementary benefits

You’ll receive a cash benefit if you become totally or permanently disabled before you’re 65

Your beneficiaries will receive cash support in case of accident-related conditions. We’d double the amount if it happened while you’re on public transit or due to a natural disaster

Insurance lingo

This is the one-time payout we’ll provide your beneficiaries when you pass away

This refers to the accumulated amount of cash that you can earn over a period of time. This amount will depend on what funds you choose to invest your money in

This is a condition resulting from injury or sickness wherein a person is unable to work or earn money from any occupation or business they are reasonably qualified by way of education, training or experience

These are accidents that occur in public transportation vehicles such as commercial bus, automobile, train, monorail, boat, airplane, or ride sharing app over an established land, sea or air route

These are acts of nature such as storm (wind, rain, snow, sleet, hail, lightning, dust, or sand), earthquake, flood, land slide, volcanic eruption, or wildfire

Important details

  • AIA Future Builder is a variable life peso-denominated insurance product that allows you to maximize your savings potential with the option to diversify investments in locally managed and globally exposed funds. It provides basic insurance protection while providing additional benefits through its optional riders.

  • The contents of this page are for illustration purposes only. Actual terms and conditions are found in the Policy. In case of conflict, the terms of the policy shall prevail.

  • This is a unit-linked product. It invests a portion of your premiums in funds that allow you to grow an account value over time.

  • Premium period is not guaranteed. In the future, if the account value becomes insufficient to pay for charges, it is possible that additional premiums (i.e. top-ups) will be required to continuously enjoy the benefits of this plan and its riders.

  • The amount of your account value will vary depending on fund performance which may be affected by market conditions.

Upon receiving the Policy Contract, you may refer to the document for full details on the definitions, and other limitations. If you decide that this plan is not suitable to your needs after reading the Policy Contract, simply return the document to AIA Philippines within fifteen (15) days from the date when you or your authorized representative received it and we will refund to you the sum of (1) the Account Value, (2) any Policy Charges that have been deducted against the Account Value, and (3) rider premiums (if any), including Vitality Membership Fee, less any benefits paid by AIA Philippines.

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