Even a minor health emergency can burden you and your family with costly medical bills. A simple visit to the emergency room can wipe out your savings. It can force you to appeal to friends and relatives for assistance to avoid going into medical debt. Fortunately, you can prepare for the unexpected and avoid drastic financial loss with these tips.
1. Allocate Money for Savings Consistently.
A survey conducted by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) reveals that only 37% of Filipinos have savings, down from 53% in 2019. That's 9.7 million fewer people are saving money than the previous year.
Starting with small amounts can be an effective way to manage your finances. It helps to record your expenses and identify areas to cut unnecessary spending. Once you have a detailed account of your spending, creating a budget becomes a natural next step that helps you stay on track with your financial goals.
2. Prioritize Saving for an Emergency Fund if You Don't Have One.
Suppose an accident prevents you, the family's breadwinner, from going to work. An emergency fund can supplement your family's daily needs until you can work again or make other arrangements.
Financial experts say you need as much as six months' worth of family income in your emergency fund. However, a recent study found that a six-week reserve of take-home income should be enough to start with.
3. Know Your Government Health Benefits.
Staying informed about available government health programs empowers you to make informed decisions and utilize the resources available. Government agencies like the Social Security System (SSS) and the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) are designed to help the vulnerable populations, including children, pregnant women, seniors, and individuals with disabilities, with medical expenses.
Understanding the health benefits you're entitled to from SSS and PhilHealth can provide financial assistance for medical bills. This is especially critical for preventive services, emergency treatments, and chronic condition management.
4. Evaluate Your HMO Needs Periodically.
Health conditions, family situations, and medical priorities change over time. Regularly review your HMO coverage to ensure access to the right doctors and medical services. When you stay up-to-date on your plan options, you can take advantage of new benefits that earn you savings from medical bills.
Or, you discover you need a better one to meet your evolving health needs. MediCard Philippines, for example, has one of the widest HMO networks of accredited doctors and hospitals in the Philippines. Since it's also a member of the AIA Philippines family, you can expand your personal HMO and insurance coverage under the same roof.